10 October 2022


麦卢卡蜂蜜 UMF代表Unique Manuka Factor(独特麦卢卡因子)。代表抗菌效果,UMF值越高,则抗菌效果越明显, 例如: UMF5+代表其抗菌能力与苯酚5%的水溶液抗菌效力相同; UMF10+代表其抗菌能力与苯酚10%的水溶液抗菌效力相同; UMF15+代表其抗菌能力与苯酚15%的水溶液抗菌效力相同 ; UMF20+代表其抗菌能力与苯酚20%的水溶液抗菌效力相同 。 UMF 5 = MGO83 UMF10 = MGO263 UMF15 = MGO514 UMF20 = MGO829 UMF25 = MGO1200
7 October 2022

fine food nz – manuka honey

“Created by nature, produce by Pure As” Pure As NZ dedicates to the production and distribution of fresh, natural and premium quality products. Our products are […]